Healing from your past or trauma is no easy feat. It’s often frightening and very uncomfortable. If you are on a journey to heal your deepest wounds or already have, here are some surprising things you may experience.

Life Seems Boring

When you heal, you start cultivating peace within yourself. The thing about cultivating peace that might surprise you is how bored you feel. 

You no longer have internal drama and tend to stay away from external drama. Internal drama refers to the negative thoughts in your head that dramatize a situation which in reality is quite simple. External drama refers to things and people around you who bring up problems and seem to create them. When you go from having a lot of drama around you to none, it feels like you have nothing going on and life is less interesting. 

Even though life suddenly feels so boring, this is actually a great sign. It means your energy has shifted and you have made space for positive experiences and good things to enter because you are no longer surrounded by negativity. This boredom does not last forever. Keep in mind that you only feel bored because you aren’t used to what peace feels like yet.

You Lose The People Around You

When you heal, your energy changes and as your energy changes, so does your circle. You’ll notice that the people you were close to before still have the energy that you used to have. Once those people feel your energy shift to positive, optimistic, and healed, they will no longer relate to you. 

Peace and positivity feel strange and out of reach to unhealed people. Some might feel jealous of your success and new disposition. Some might just ghost you and look for others who are more relatable to them. Some might even try to bring you down by reminding you of your past. 

Whatever the case, the outcome is the same. Whether you stay away from certain people or they stay away from you, your circle will get smaller. The great news is you will rebuild your circle with people on your wavelength.

You Don't Enjoy The Same Things Anymore

When you heal, you realize all the things you used to do that served only as a distraction from your pain and they become basically irrelevant and useless to you now. You may not want to drink, smoke, party, eat junk food, spend all day watching Netflix etc. anymore. You start to realize your desire to treat your body differently and to live differently. 

This stage is when you really start to find yourself because you no longer have the blockages of anger, impatience, sadness, or fear. Try everything you desire whether it be learning something new, doing a physical activity, doing an art form etc. Be completely authentic and don’t stray away from trying something because others think it’s boring or you think it may be challenging. Allow yourself to do things without the pressure of being great at them or having to stick to them forever. 

If you have healed from something in your childhood you will discover yourself entirely new. If you’re healing from something in adulthood you may find that your interests might not be the same as before the trauma/event. Your level of comfort with certain things may change. Keep in mind that you don’t have to go back to “normal”. That shouldn’t be the goal. The goal is to find your new normal and that may look entirely different and that is perfectly fine.

Life Is More Beautiful

When you heal, your outlook on life changes and so does your perspective. All the sadness, anger, and negativity you used to feel was like a dark cloud shrouding your vision. Once that cloud isn’t hanging in front of your eyes anymore everything starts to look new. 

Your new outlook makes the way you see the world around you evolve. You start to notice all the good things instead of the negatives. You appreciate small things like seeing a butterfly or a beautiful sunset. You notice how amazing and kind people can be. You see all that you have and don’t take it for granted.

You Still Have Scars

You realize that even though you’re healed, you will still always have the scars of your past. They just don’t hurt you or inhibit you anymore. Healing doesn’t mean that you forget the past. Healing means you learned how to forgive others and yourself. You learned how to get back up and move forward. You learned to not harbor anger and not let sadness consume you. 

Your past doesn’t hurt or inhibit your present life or relationships. However, you will never forget what you’ve gone through and overcome. I know this might be disappointing to some but rather than wish to forget the past, feel proud of having overcome those events.

All Of Your Problems Didn't Go Away

You realize that healing didn’t get rid of all of your problems, but instead made you stronger and more capable of handling them. 

It’s easy to attribute your past or trauma to all of your current problems. But many people find that after healing, their life isn’t problem-free or perfect. The reality is that no life is problem-free or perfect. That’s not to say you can’t have a wonderful and fulfilling life. 

The world around you may seem to be the same as before you healed, but your internal world is entirely anew. You must give time for all the good things at your wavelength to enter while keeping an open heart and mind.


You’ve come so far and I’m so proud of you. You changed the script of your life and your internal world and that is incredible. I know it hasn’t been easy but I’m so glad you’re here. Keep going.

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